
‘Imbizo’ is a word from Zulu-Xhosa, meaning “a gathering to share knowledge”.

Computational neuroscience is a rapidly expanding subject whose methods are essential for understanding and modeling the brain, as well as for designing and interpreting experiments.

The IBRO-SIMONS Computational Neuroscience Imbizo (isiCNI) summer school aims to promote computational neuroscience in Africa by bringing together international and local students under the tutelage of world-leading experts in the field. The format of the school entails intensive lecturing on advanced topics in computational and theoretical neuroscience, as well as practical exercises in modeling simulations and data analysis.

The school is structured in three thematic weeks.

  • Week 1: Higher order brain function. What are the problems brains need to solve
  • Week 2: Neural biophysics, plasticity and machine learning.
  • Week 3: Computations in spiking networks

For more information and to apply, please visit the isiCNI website.


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